February brings us crisp cold days, frost, ice and maybe snow.
Some days you feel like snuggling down and hibernating in the warmth of your home.
What do many do on a snuggling down day? Well many turn on Netflix, or Sky box sets or get out the film DVDs to spend a few hours watching movies.
Wouldn’t it be great if we could control our lives like we control our TVs? Perhaps we would skip through the rough bits, rewind to the good times, we could press pause when we have important decisions to make, giving us time to consider and hear from God. Perhaps some of us would like a stop button for when we find ourselves on the wrong path in life. Maybe most of all we need God to press play in our lives, to help us fully grasp this amazing life we have been given and the opportunities it offers.
Think about what God wishes to do with the movie of your life.