Windmill Hill Arts Trail
The Annual Windmill Hill Arts Trail returned for what was a very enjoyable and busy event. St Michaels and All Angels took part by displaying pictures that children from local schools had produced. In addition local...
Remembrance Sunday Service
9th November 2014, “Remembrance Sunday”. The 10:00am morning service will include the anthem “For they gave their bodies”. The words date from 431 BC and refer to the remains of soldiers from Athens who were buried...
Christmas fair
Stalls, raffles and games. Come and support us
Advent Carol Service
Advent Carol Service
Handels Messiah
Join the Come & Sing Choir, meets 2.30pm In aid of Guide Fogs for the Blind
Handel Messiah
All donations to Guide Dogs for the Blind Please join the Come and Sing Messiah Choir meets 2.30pm Sunday 14th
Carols in Victoria Park
Christmas Carol Concert
Christmas fun for all the family